Disse brillene filtrerer det skadelige blå lyset du blir utsatt for når du for eksempel har hvit LED-belysning i hjemmet eller ser på skjermen på telefonen eller datamaskinen eller TV-en. Ved å filtrere dette skadelige lyset opprettholder du en bedre søvnrytme og mer energi.
Disse brillene har røde filtre som filtrerer bort mest blått og grønt lys. I videoen (videofanen) kan du se hvor mye brillene kan filtrere per farge i blått og grønt lys.
Full ramme + separate vedleggsfiltre (alle inkludert)
PC (polykarbonat)
Hvorfor er ikke brillene laget av ekte glass? Ekte glass har en litt bedre gjennomsiktighet, så enda klarere syn, men dårlig evne til å filtrere de ønskede fargene. For dette må PC-lag fortsatt lages i glasset. Dette mens glasset er skjørere og dyrere. Det er nesten ingen fabrikker igjen som ønsker å jobbe med glass til denne applikasjonen.
Ønsker du kvalitetsglass laget av glass uten disse filtrene, er ikke disse glassene noe for deg.
Each color has its specific qualities, from transparent to red the blue and then also green light is increasingly filtered.
Below you can see measurements that we have taken ourselves and because we test the glasses in the open air, there is minimal reflection of the ambient light, which is even less on the face.

Color measurement
These tests were done hands-on and closer to the screen than your eyes would be. The exact light intensity numbers are therefore not important because we look here at which colors are filtered and in what ratio.
Color measurement of monitor

Monitor colors according to our photo spectrometer without filter
Transparent glasses
Transparent glasses are often called computer glasses because everything apparently remains normal, but there is already a light filtering that can give rest to the eyes. Transparent glasses are not suitable for nighttime sleep.

Blue is still clearly visible (lower intensity) and part has shifted to green-red
Yellow glasses
Yellow is often used for night blindness, driving in the dark or as they usually put it in English 'night driving' because significant filtering takes place but enough light still comes in to drive safely. We therefore advise not to drive in the dark with orange or red glasses.

heavy blue filtering and shift to green - red.
Orange glasses
Orange lenses are my personal preference because they completely filter out the blue, but with the green and red that remain, they still provide some color sensation and clear vision.

Blue completely filtered and green already largely shifted to red.
Red glasses
Red is most commonly seen in the world of biohacking, red filters both blue light and green light, leaving only red light. This gives the best results that biohackers look for.

Blue and green filtered leaving only red. Keep in mind the first photo, the tiny remnant of blue and green is reflection in the open sky.
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